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IMC116: Capture Attention with a Case Study

We are joined by Jack McCaughtrie (Core Tree) to discuss why case studies are an effective way to capture the attention of buyers in your industry, help build brand awareness and let your customers sell your products for you.


What is a Case Study?

  • A client’s account of your product or service, describing the benefits they have experienced
  • Reasons / needs for your product or services – describing their scenario / circumstances 

Why are Case Studies important?

  • A Third Party endorsing your business is a highly valuable asset
  • Help potential customers make a purchasing decision 
  • High value content to use in your marketing 
  • Your customers selling your products / services for you
  • Sales and Business Development asset for you and your team

Creating Case Studies 

  • Be clear on what you want to highlight
  • Overview, Scenario, Process, Outcome, Comment
  • Aim to highlight the customers requirement – what were they looking for?
  • Why did they choose you? 
  • Document the process you took your customer through
  • Set template of questions – tailored depending on client, make it relevant

Creating Case Studies 

  • Format
  • Case study page on a website – editorial + images
  • Q&A Interview – personal
  • Video Case Study – Golden Ticket

How do you use Case Studies? 

  • Publish on case study page on website – highlight on home page
  • Share on social media – drive traffic to the site.
  • Include in email campaigns
  • Encourage the client to share / interact via their channels
  • Use in business development activities

Referenced Webinar Links

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