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IMC78: Grab Bag SEO Marketing Questions

Ben and Clare are put in the hot seat as they answer SEO Marketing questions! From findiing out how to find your Keywords to trying out Open AI to generate website content.


How do I check what keywords I should be using on my website

  • Check what your competitors are using, how many times they use a particular work on the page.
  • Google Keyword Planner attached to Google Ads gives lots of data, free to use, only limitation is that you need to have a Google Ads account set up to access it.
  • Free tool to use is Wordtracker but it does have limited searches unless you sign up
  • SEO Surfer – is a paid service. Very useful tool as it can do an audit of your landing page and do keyword research for you.

How to get inspiration for keywords in blog titles & content

  • Answer the public – Still free to use at the moment. Search tool to find questions people search on the internet to help you generate content.
  • Chat GBT – ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022 still in beta phase and currently completely free. A helpful tool that scours the internet to generate unique content. It uses human-like text to answer questions, write stories, & engage in dialog. It can even debug or create php computer code, admit mistakes and reject unclear requests.

Why working with a content writer is still relevant?