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IMC52: WordPress Security Audit

We are joined by WordPress Security Expert, Tim Nash, who will talk through a recent security and performance audit on our website sharing advice on how we can protect and speed up WordPress.


Practical Security Talk with Tim Nash

  • To have a tailored Power Hour with Tim Nash
  • WPScan can be used to find weaknesses on your website
  • Ensure you update your premium plugins regularly
  • Speed Website Performance: Webpage Test / Pingdom / GTMetrics
  • Visual Ping
  • Make sure plugins are updated
  • Reduce updates to 24 hours
  • Monitor footer as good sign of website being loaded
  • Turbo admin for WordPress website
  • Webpage test. Expect to start in 300ms
  • Prevent URLs caching in hosting cache page
  • Display lazy loading for top images. See ‘Classes & IDs’ in smush
  • Enable native lazy loading
  • Autooptimse WP plugin
  • Uptime kuma..
  • Two-factor WP plugin