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IMC72: The Carbon Almanac. It’s not to late to make a difference

We were joined by Paige NeJame who shared the journey behind, The Carbon Almanac. This book provides a powerful tool to help us create change, right here and right now and be greener with our marketing. When it comes to the climate, we don’t need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.


What the book hopes to do

  • The book is a powerful tool to help us create change
  • When it comes to the climate we don’t need more marketing or anxiety
  • We need established facts and a plan for collective action. 
  • A catylist for change and building awareness

How The Carbon Almanac got started

  • Seth Godin gathered hundreds of volunteers around the world to help him realise this idea
  • People from all backgrounds and experiences worked remotely as part of this community
  • Turned the book around and published it within 4months
  • Linking up with other pioneers such as Jane Goodall
  • How was book funded and what happens to the profits
  • Free educators guide and kids book on environmental change
  • Footnotes are on website enabling you to independently see original sources and fact check.

Paige NeJame involvement in the project

  • How did Paige get involved
  • Paige’s background and experience
  • Why Paige chose to help develop The Rookie section of the book and children’s book
  • What are you focused on now

If people want to contribute where can they go

Some steps that people can take