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Focus on your clients

Matt Saunders writing on how to build rapport clients.

‘Repeat business is important because the average repeat customer spends 67% more in months 31-36 of their relationship with a business than they do in months 0-6. This particular study pertains to e-commerce sales but I have seen similar patterns in the B2B space also. It’s really all about trust. Once you’ve earned it, they’ll come back for more.’

I cannot correlate the percentages but I know that I win more business from clients that I work with regularly. In fact just regularly communicating with clients I’ve found will stimulate business either by giving them ideas or keeping my business front of mind.

Matt’s article is specific to his industry but a lot of the advice works for any business. He outlines the following tips:

  1. Get process in place – You’ll look and be more professional and work will be easier to manage
  2. Don’t hide behind your email – Find other ways to communicate with them: in-person, video call, gifts, referrals
  3. Get to know you clients – You’ll be able to serve them better and it’s rewarding for your soul if you have a genuine connection
  4. Build long term relationships – Time spent will pay dividends in future work and referrals
  5. Self development – Listen to the best podcasts and audio books available. Ask clients for their favourites and share yours with them